One voice for Citizens Advice in Surrey
We know that partners and funders, like us, aspire to make a difference to the lives of particular groups of people and are really working towards equality and integration, we can achieve our shared aims best by working together.
Examples include:
by helping Surrey County Council to deliver their Surrey Crisis Fund for people in financial crisis. More information.
through our partnership with Healthwatch Surrey, a consumer champion for health and social care in Surrey. More information.
through our work with the North Surrey Domestic Abuse Service. More information.
by providing specialised advice and support to patients, families, carers and communities in partnership with Macmillan Cancer Support. More information.
Many of our clients are facing multiple issues in their lives and need our service and flexible delivery patterns to get the level of support they need to regain control of their lives. We target the delivery of our services at those most in need and provide specialist services to provide the additional support that particular clients require.
We don’t just aim to solve people’s problems, but to stay alongside them, equipping them to move on through additional education or training into appropriate volunteering and employment opportunities.