2018 Surrey-wide Statistics
The charts below highlight some key statistics totalled over all 14 Citizens Advice centres operating across the 11 Boroughs and Districts in Surrey during 2018. The 14 independent centres between them deliver services from 40 different locations.
Our offices advised over 35,000 clients. Many clients had multiple issues – an average of over 4 per client.
Most enquiries required more than one ‘activity’ (such as negotiating with a 3rd party) – an average of over 3 per client.
43% of our client contacts were face-to-face; the rest were mainly by phone and email. |
Despite Surrey being one of the UK’s most affluent counties, over half our clients’ income fell below £1,000 a month, with 23% reporting less than £400 a month. |
Our advisers achieved a very strong financial outcome for our clients, totalling over £13 million in 2018.
Mostly this relates to extra benefit entitlements and credits; clients also benefitted from rescheduled or writing-off of their debts. Real non-financial benefits were also delivered, eg improved capacity to cope. |
Although most of our clients reported no health issues, over 1/3rd reported being disabled or suffering from one or more long-term health issues.
84% of our clients identified as white with 16% as from other ethnic groups, significantly higher than the 9.6% reported for Surrey as a whole (2011 census). Diversity is increasing across the county.
60% of our clients identified as female, compared with 51% for Surrey as a whole. |
Benefits, debt and housing issues represented over 50% of our clients’ problems; with benefits alone accounting for over 1/3rd.
Almost 4,000 enquiries related to discrimination issues.
The ‘other’ category covers a wide spectrum of issues, including utilities, immigration, consumer and transport.